
We welcome you to Hluboká nad Vltavou
The city's parking system offers the following short-term paid parking lots:

Central parking place
operating hours - year-round
vehicle type and parking fee:

vehicle type parking fee/day
passenger car CZK 80
motorcycle CZK 80
motorhome, caravan, minibus or bus up to 32 seats CZK 150
bus CZK 270

method of paying the parking fee - personal, at the entrance, in cash

map - situation

Masaryk Street
operation: 9 a.m. - 4 p.m.

vehicle type parking fee/day
passenger car CZK 90
motorcycle CZK 90

Motorhome, buses - no
Method of payment - in person at the collector or at contractual establishments (Info center, Minimarket in the castle, ALMA Drugstore, Toys - souvenirs)

Map - situation - part A
Map - situation - part B

Parking by the swimming pool
opening hours - during the summer season of the municipal swimming pool (approx. July - August) 8 a.m. - 7 p.m.

vehicle type parking fee/day
passenger car, motorcycle CZK 50

Motorhome, buses - no
Method of payment - in person at the entrance to the parking lot, in cash

Operator: Luděk Houška, Nerudova 773, Hluboká nad Vltavou
Contact: +420 602 422 785

Hamry parking place
Operation: year-round
Fee: no
Motorhomes, caravans: no
for visitors and tourists

Other parking lots are located near the sports fields and are intended for members or visitors of these facilities:
Sports and relaxation area - free, for visitors to the area, motorhomes, caravans - no
Sports center KUKI - free for Kuki restaurant guests, CZK 200/day for others
Sports marina - for mooring tenants and marina users only
Penny Market parking place - maximum parking time: 1 hour, for guests or customers
Billa parking place - for guests or customers

There are also paid parking places at Hluboká Zoo, Ohrada Hunting Castle - capacity 400 spaces, the parking lot is only for vehicles up to 2.5 tons.

Opening hours: 8:30 - 19:00
Rate: 1 day CZK 80 (bus CZK 150)
Payment: barrier system

Instagram: @hlubokanadvltavou

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