Raft Museum Purkarec

Hall contains a collection of historic objects, tools and documents.

The Hall of informative panels are installed on Associations Vltavan. Hall is a testament to the work and way of life rafters and SIFAR in the Vltava River basin. Hall also gives information on water ČEZ, a. S.

The museum is accessible from April to October: 9:00 to 5:00 p.m. hours each day
Larger groups should be announced in advance on the telephone number listed below or by writing to the address provided.

The 75th anniversary of the association Vltavan in 1977 was opened to the public, "Hall Rafting in South Bohemian traditions." "The Hall" was built yourself, originally in house No. 33 Marie Šlechtová. The largest share of the construction was the oldest member of the association (since 1924) br. Francis Vondrášek - Executive Association, Logger, swimmer with vrátenským patent for a voyage to Hamburg and also purkarecký boatman. Mr. Vondrášek he built the "Hall" basic exhibits and Vltavan Chronicle described the process in detail tying rafts and springs. In this building, the exposure of Rafting until 1993. In 1991, in accordance with § 22 of Act 229/91 Coll. Mrs. Šlechtová exercised the right to repayment of the facility.

"Hall" of Rafting was reopened in 1995 in the building No. 86, since 1955 the building MNV (Local National Committee) on the object that the necessary structural adjustments. "The Hall" has been extended for another informative exhibition associations Vltavanů Prague, Davle and Štěchovice. The "Hall" is also information about CEZ hydropower plants on the activities of the Vltava River Basin in the Czech Budejovice and on Temelin NPP.

Vorařské muzeum Purkarec
Purkarec 86
Hluboká nad Vltavou 373 41

Instagram: @hlubokanadvltavou

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