Museum of classic vehicles

Museum of historical vehicles and agricultural equipment is located in private premises in the village of cuts. Pořežany This village lies at the crossroads between Hluboka nad Vltavou and Zámostie Tyn nad Vltavou (road along the right bank of the Vltava River via a new field) and between Sevetin and Tyn nad Vltavou.

The museum is to watch cars and trucks, horse-drawn carriages, buggies, sleighs, motorbikes, bicycles, old farm equipment, tools, farm parlor, model trains, cars and airplanes. All this can be seen to 1800 square meters of exhibition space in a three-storey building. One of the exhibits is also the coach of the film fairy tale Princess from the Mill.
Carriages rent for filming, weddings and other events.

Opening hours:
year-round 9:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m.
including holidays except Monday, after agreement is possible even outside these times

Muzeum historických vozidel
Pořežany 24
Týn nad Vltavou 375 01

Instagram: @hlubokanadvltavou

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